Saturday, August 27, 2011

GOOGLE DOCS Group Project

  This week in our ED TECH class we had the opportunity to learn about the many different online resources we have through Google Docs. My group was assigned to working with Google Docs, while some other groups worked with other forums such as Google Presentation or Google Spreadsheet. As a group we spent some time playing around with the document, using the collaboration option so that we could all edit the document at the same time from different computers. We spent time writing about what we could do, adding pictures, etc. You can view our DOC here.
   I have used Google Docs in the past, and really appreciate it as a tool to access documents from any computer. I also enjoy the ability to share these documents with other students, get feedback, and have multiple people edit the same document at the same time. I often use this to edit my peer's papers, or have mine edited in return. As I already had quite a bit of experience using Google Docs, I was able to facilitate my team in learning the many different things one can do. I was somewhat of a team leader, and I enjoyed being able to help my classmates who had never used a forum like this before. Furthermore, I also learned new tasks that I had not previously known, simply by poking around on the button options.
  In my own classroom, I can definitely see using this tool to help my students collaborate outside of the classroom, or even take group notes during class. While this may be somewhat distracting, it really is a great way to get a group to work together. I will also be recommending to my students that they save their documents in Google Docs so that they have access to them whether they are at home or at school.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Blogging and the Classroom

When one thinks of the average classroom with the average teacher, I'm sure that the word "Blog" does not come to mind. Many students view their teachers as antiquated, boring, and technologically incompetent individuals. Unfortunately, this may have been the case for some students, but that need no longer be true! As our students are gradually integrating more and more technology into their own lives, everywhere from text messaging to "talk" to their friends, to Facebook for sharing pictures and updating your "friends" on how you feel or what you are doing at that exact moment, it is vital that the educator not only understand the various modes of technology, but also how to use them to reach these same students in a way not previously broached.

So how exactly can we use Blogging in the infamous "Classroom"?

One great way is simply for the teacher to blog periodically about what is going on in the class, perhaps share important info, etc. with students, parents, or anyone who is interested in learning more. By including the blog URL on the syllabus and sending it home with students, interested parents are able to feel more involved in their students learning and even leave feedback or questions for the instructor on said blog. Students are also able to refer back to the Blog if they have questions about what was covered while out sick or for vacation, and can also use this as a way to interact with the teacher outside of class for questions or to share other information that relates to class content.

Blogs are also a great way to foster discussions outside of the classroom. Perhaps the teacher will assign a reading assignment or research topic, and require the students to blog about what they found, how they responded to the material, or questions they still have. Instead of using class time (or perhaps in addition to limited class time0 this blog site allows students to interact with each other and the instructor in an online forum. This information can then be referenced later when the student is preparing for a test or final project for study material, or can be reused to put together a portfolio.

It's obvious that these two ideas are not the only way in which a Blog can be used in the classroom. In fact, the possibilities really are endless. So instead of holding a typical classroom debate, try blogging! Instead of waiting until Student/Teacher Conferences to interact with parents for the very first time,  try blogging! If your feeling bored, try blogging!

Oh blogging....the places we will go, the people we will meet.

A Snapshot of Me!

When composing a brief bio, it's hard to figure out what information to include and what to leave out. How can I sum up who I am in only a few brief sentences? Well I will certainly try! Here are a few brief bullet points that help give someone the overall picture of who I am:

-I am a newly wed! I just recently was married in March.
-I have two dogs whom I adore. Kozmo is a Black Lab/Siberian Huskey and Grayson is an 8 month old long-haired Chihuahua. I spend most of my free time with them and pretty much treat they like my children :)
-I would like to teach High School Language Arts, but will also being getting authorizations for Middle School Language Arts and HS/MS ESOL.
-I love reading! My favorite book is Pride & Prejudice, although I recently read the Hunger Games series this summer, and would have to say that I also greatly enjoyed them as well!
-I have two younger brothers, a brother and sister-in-law and one adorable niece. Family is incredibly important to me, so I often try to visit them as much as possible.
-Outdoor sports are great in any season! In the Winter you can find me out skiing at Mt. Bachelor, hiking in the snow, or ice skating where possible. In the Summer I love to swim, boat, wake board, wake surf, and cycle.
-I wish I was better at sports, unfortunately I am fairly uncoordinated.
-My favorite color is yellow!

Well that's all I have to share with y'all for now. Thanks for taking a few to get to know more about me.